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网络整理 2022-06-02 13:07


凤凰网对房地产进行年中盘点,通过住房和住房、土地新政策、房贷利率和税率新规、绿色建筑、人才新政策、城市规划、保障性住房建设、招生教育、房地产相关企业管理规定等。 10 对此,我带大家回顾一下2020年中央、各省市出台的影响你生活和购房的规章制度。





2021年政府工作报告指出,房地产领域的重点工作要保障群众住房需求。坚持“房子是用来住的,不是用来炒的”定位,“稳地价、稳房价、稳预期”。 ”。解决大城市突出住房问题,增加保障性租赁住房和共有产权住房供应,规范发展长租市场,通过增加土地供应、安排专项资金、注重建设。尽最大努力帮助新公民、年轻人等缓解住房困难。










河北省于2019年启动了《河北省国土空间规划(2021-2035年)》。根据《规划》,河北省未来15年的总体定位是:国家现代商贸物流基地、产业转型升级试验区、新型城镇化和城乡统筹示范区、京津冀生态环境支撑区。展望未来15年,河北省将贯彻落实京津冀“一核两市三轴四区多点”协同发展格局要求,构建“ “两圈、两翼、三带四区、多点支撑、南北生态”。全省国土空间总体格局。










河北省自然资源厅印发的《河北省征地开发实施细则(试行)》明确,有下列四种情形之一的,不予批准征地开发规划:一、该征地开发规划不予批准永久使用。基本农田;二是2009年以来(不含审批年份)市县平均土地供应率低于65%;三是各类开发区和城市新区土地利用效率低;四、获批 年度实施方案连续两年征地开发未完成。




河北省自然资源厅发布关于近期批准建设用地的通知。内容显示,在规划过渡期,各类建设项目的选址应符合土地利用总体规划和城乡规划,并纳入已编制并报送审查的全国国土空间规划。要求新增城市建设用地原则上应位于已报批的城市发展范围内;积极保护重大项目用地。 2021年各市新增建设用地规划50%提前使用新规划指标;优先保障京津冀协同发展、省市重点项目,巩固和扩大脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴成果。严格界定征地范围。









石家庄商务中心区建设指挥部办公室通过了《支持石家庄商务中心区建设和重点产业发展办法》(以下简称《办法》),明确了石家庄市建设要求中央商务区和重点产业发展。支持方法。 《办法》明确中央商务区金融资金保障,支持优化中央商务区楼宇预售和销售管理,加快实施基础设施建设,聚焦金融等六大重点行业产业和总部经济,从企业入驻、租赁(采购))为办公场地和运营提供资金支持。





石家庄市人民政府网站发布了《关于实施石家庄市建筑风貌控制管理技术导则的通知》。 《通知》主要提出了主城区建筑的具体管控措施,重点从天际线与建筑高度管控、街道空间与建筑界面管控、建筑色彩管控、建筑单体管控、正面建筑环境管控五个方面。




6日,国家乡村振兴局副局长洪天云在新闻发布会上表示,今年是乡村振兴建设全面启动的开局之年。乡村规划是乡村建设的施工图。 明确村庄布局和分类,积极有序推进编制多规合一的实用村庄规划,实现有条件、有需要的村庄规划全覆盖。一定要注意立足现有基础和实际情况,保留乡村特色,不搞大拆大建。


日前,省住房和城乡建设厅等13部门联合印发《关于开展城市居住小区建设补短板行动的实施意见》(以下简称为《实施意见》)。 《实施意见》明确提出,到2021年底,社区智慧安防设施和系统建成率达到100%;到2023年,60%的现有住宅小区基本弥补设施短板;到2025年,现有住宅小区基本弥补设施短板,同步新建住宅小区 各类配套设施齐备,城镇住宅小区环境明显改善,全市住宅小区覆盖率达到2000万。地级及以上水平明显提升。










石家庄市人民政府印发《2021年推进商业服务业用地资产去库存调整实施细则》。 ,盘活城市现有土地,加快城市开发建设;对目前商业服务业设施规划用地大、商业设施不足的地区,通过去库存工作,加快区域商业服务业设施建设,完善区域配套设施。




石家庄市人民政府印发《关于印发石家庄市人民政府2021年工作要点的通知》。 (以下简称“通知”)。高质量完成城市土地空间总体规划;加快石雄、石横-沧港城际铁路建设;全力推进地铁项目建设;大力推进中央商务区项目建设;坚持“有房,不炒”的定位;剩下的问题;完成老旧小区改造任务645项;高效盘活利用停产搬迁企业闲置土地。


6月7日下午石家庄最新房产政策,市委书记张超超与中国交通建设集团有限公司党委书记、董事长王同舟及双方进行工作座谈就深化战略合作关系、推进项目实施进行了深入交流。 6月9日,市政府与中国中铁集团有限公司在亚太酒店签署战略合作框架协议,标志着双方合作进入新阶段。市委副书记、市长马玉军,中国铁路总公司总裁陈文建出席签约仪式。












4月13日,印发《2021年全市建筑节能、绿色建筑和装配式建筑工作方案》的通知发布。工作目标是新建城市绿色建筑占新建面积比例达到90%以上,新建被动式超低能耗建筑面积超过20万平方米,新建装配式建筑面积占新城建设面积的25%以上。 .


Recently, the Shijiazhuang Municipal People's Government Office issued a notice on "Several Measures to Support the Development of Passive Ultra-Low Energy Consumption Building Industry". The notice mentioned that the city's passive ultra-low energy consumption building industry will develop at a high speed and high quality through eight major measures, including large-scale promotion, guaranteeing land supply, formulating incentive policies, improving industrial chains, innovating financial services, strengthening scientific and technological support, and training talents.

A number of real estate industry carbon emission standards are expected to be introduced this year

Recently, Ni Jiangbo, a first-level inspector of the Standard and Quota Division of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said at the "2021 China Real Estate Industry Carbon Peak Development Summit Forum" that under the background of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, real estate companies are green Designers and implementers of life, green work, and green production methods should shoulder the great responsibility of creating simple, moderate, green and low-carbon methods. The forum simultaneously released the "China Real Estate Enterprise Carbon Emission Research Report 2021", which summarized the characteristics and current situation of real estate enterprises' carbon emissions, and put forward suggestions for accelerating the formulation of real estate enterprises' carbon emission accounting standards.

Before the delivery of Hebei real estate projects, green construction effect evaluation and testing should be carried out

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Technical Guidelines for Green Construction (Trial)" (referred to as the "Guidelines"). In order to promote the application of the "Guidelines" and further promote the development of green buildings in Hebei, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has recently forwarded the "Guidelines" to the relevant departments of various cities, and requires all localities to clarify the goals of green construction work and do a good job in green construction projects. Strengthen the control of the source of engineering design, promote green construction methods, and strictly perform industry supervision duties.

七、Affordable housing

Shijiazhuang urban affordable housing application conditions are relaxed

Shijiazhuang Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-rural Development issued a new policy and issued a notice on further regulating the work related to public rental housing, optimizing and adjusting housing security work, relaxing some application conditions, and further simplifying the application process, canceling the permanent residence registration for one year. Or, hold a residence permit for at least 6 months.

Hebei Province guarantees housing security for low-income groups in rural areas

The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Finance, and the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs jointly issued the "Implementation Plan on Doing a Good Job in Housing Security for Key Objects such as Rural Low-income Groups". It is clear that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, our province will Continue to implement the reconstruction of dilapidated houses in rural areas and the seismic reconstruction of rural houses in areas with high earthquake intensity, consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and ensure housing safety, establish and improve a long-term mechanism for dynamic monitoring of rural housing safety, and timely detect and renovate dynamically newly added dilapidated houses. Realize 100% housing security rate for key objects such as low-income groups in rural areas, and all peasant households live in dilapidated houses.

Shijiazhuang issued a method for the use of special funds for housing rental, with a maximum subsidy of 1500 yuan/㎡

The Shijiazhuang Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued a notice on the issuance of the "Administrative Measures for the Use of Special Funds for the Development of Shijiazhuang City's Pilot Project for Supporting the Housing Rental Market (Trial)". The notice stated that the scope of support of the special funds includes seven categories: building new rental housing; rebuilding rental housing; revitalizing rental housing; building a housing rental management service platform; cultivating housing rental companies; Other expenses related to rental housing development. The funds can support the construction of rental housing projects through construction cost subsidies, project capital injection or loan discounts, etc., with a maximum of 1,500 yuan/square meter.

Affordable policy for affordable rental housing

Premier Li Keqiang said at the June 18 executive meeting of the State Council, "We must speed up the development of affordable rental housing to better ensure the basic housing needs of these groups." The meeting determined that large cities with net population inflows can use the The construction of collectively-owned construction land and the self-owned land of enterprises and institutions shall be used to construct affordable rental housing, and it is allowed to convert idle and inefficiently utilized commercial office buildings and factories into affordable rental housing. From October 1st, housing leasing enterprises will apply the simple tax calculation method to individuals renting houses, and pay value-added tax at a rate of 5% minus 1.5%; Residential leasing enterprises renting houses shall be levied real estate tax at a reduced rate of 4%.

八、Education related:

Primary schools strictly enforce exemption from entrance exams, and kindergartens are not allowed to set up pre-school classes!

A few days ago, the Ministry of Education issued the "Guiding Opinions on Vigorously Promoting the Scientific Linkage between Kindergartens and Primary Schools". The document clearly stated that primary schools strictly implement exemption from examinations for admission to the nearest school, and kindergartens shall not teach primary school curriculum content in advance, and shall not set up pre-school classes!

The "Guiding Opinions" emphasizes that primary schools strictly implement exam-free admission to the nearest school, and it is strictly forbidden to use various examinations, competitions, training results or certificates as the basis for admissions, and insist on teaching according to the curriculum standards. Where kindergartens meet the needs, primary schools shall not hold preschool classes.

School district adjustment in the main urban area of ​​Shijiazhuang City, adding 12 pilot school districts and 58 schools

The Shijiazhuang Education Bureau has adjusted some of the original school districts and added a batch of pilot school districts and schools. This year, a total of 12 new pilot school districts and 58 new schools have been added, and 16 school districts have been adjusted. After the adjustment, there are 56 pilot school districts and 179 schools in the main urban area.

2021 Shijiazhuang City Main District Compulsory Education "Enrollment Map" Announced

On June 24, in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Department of Education's "Comprehensive Implementation of the Regulations on Enrolling Nearby Enrollment for Compulsory Education Exemption from Examination", the education bureaus in the main urban area reasonably delineated the enrollment scope of public compulsory education schools and announced them.

九、People's livelihood related

China's population exceeds 1.4 billion in the seventh census

The results of the seventh national population census showed that at 0:00 on November 1, 2020, the resident population of 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government (hereinafter referred to as provinces) in mainland my country totaled 1,411.78 million, which is comparable to the 2010 (the sixth national population Compared with the 1,339.72 million people in the census data, the same below), an increase of 72.06 million people, an increase of 5.38%, an average annual growth rate of 0.53%, an increase over the average annual growth rate from 2000 to 2010 rate 0.57% down0.04 percentage points. Data show that my country's population has continued to maintain a low-speed growth trend for 10 years. According to the seventh census, Hebei has a population of 74,610,235 people. Compared with 2010, the proportion of the population decreased by 0.08%.

Three-child birth policy is coming

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on May 31. The meeting pointed out that further optimizing the fertility policy, implementing the policy that a couple can have three children and supporting measures will help improve my country's population structure and implement an active response to population aging. National strategy and maintaining the advantage of my country's human resource endowment. At the same time, it is proposed to strengthen the support for related supporting systems such as marriage, childbirth, parenting, education, taxation, and housing.

Hebei Province's Measures for the Supervision of Property Services in Urban Residential Quarters will be implemented on May 1

On the morning of April 24, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development organized a press conference, and the heads of relevant departments interpreted the "Hebei Province Urban Residential Community Property Service Supervision Measures". The "Measures" pointed out that after the comprehensive renovation of the old community, the relevant departments of the local people's government, sub-district offices (township and town people's governments), and residents' committees should guide and assist community owners to set up owners' meetings and owners' committees. If necessary, select a property service company. Owners or owners' committees may sign a property service contract with a property service enterprise by referring to the "Model Text of Property Service Contract". The "Measures" also clarified that if a property service enterprise violates the contract, it shall be liable for breach of contract in accordance with the law.

十、Mortgage related

LPR remained unchanged for 14 consecutive months

The People's Bank of China authorized the National Interbank Funding Center to announce that the loan market quoted interest rate (LPR) on June 21, 2021 is: 1-year LPR is 3.85%, and LPR for more than 5 years is < @4.65%. The above LPR is valid until the next LPR is issued. So far, the 5-year LPR has remained unchanged for 14 consecutive months.

The central bank: Raise the foreign exchange deposit reserve ratio of financial institutions by 2 percentage points

People's Bank of China: In order to strengthen the management of foreign exchange liquidity of financial institutions, the People's Bank of China has decided to increase the foreign exchange deposit reserve ratio of financial institutions by 2 percentage points from June 15, 2021, that is, the foreign exchange deposit reserve ratio will be increased from the current 5% to 7%.

After this increase, the deposit reserve ratio of my country's large financial institutions will reach a historical high of 19%, and the deposit reserve ratio of small and medium-sized financial institutions will also be as high as 15.5%. It is roughly estimated that after this increase, the central bank can freeze about 350 billion yuan of liquidity in the banking system at one time.

The interest rate of many banks raised the latest mortgage interest rate of 9 banks in Shijiazhuang

Fenghuang.com Real Estate learned from the four major banks of ICBC, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China and Bank of China that for LPRs with a maturity of more than 5 years, the four major banks have raised the benchmark interest rate 4.65%. Among them, China Construction Bank's first home mortgage interest rate increased by 54 basis points, and the mortgage interest rate was 5.19%, and the second home mortgage rate increased by 74 basis points, and the mortgage interest rate was 5.39%.

Shijiazhuang 2021 housing provident fund payment base has been adjusted

On June 25, the Shijiazhuang Housing Provident Fund Management Center issued a notice on the adjustment of the housing provident fund payment base in 2021. The document shows that in 2021, the Shijiazhuang housing provident fund payment base will be the highest at 20,610 yuan and the lowest at 4,122 yuan. In 2020, the Shijiazhuang housing provident fund payment base is the highest of 19,245 yuan and the lowest of 3,849 yuan. Compared with last year, the maximum value of the provident fund payment base was raised by 1,681 yuan, and the lowest value was raised by 273 yuan.





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